Pat Flynn runs one of the most successful niche blogs on the internet. He’s built a solid reputation by freely posting details of the many techniques and methods he’s tried on his journey to earning a substantial online income. So when Pat offers advice on how to go about the tricky, yet crucial tasks of keyword research and niche selection.
He makes the point that selecting the right target keywords can make the difference between success and failure for a niche site. Pat suggests targeting the lower competition keywords. In his view, it’s better to be on the first page for a less popular keyword, than to be on page five for a high volume one. After all, very few searchers venture past the first results page anyway.
Of course, you still have to aim for a minimum search volume – Pat recommends you look for at least 3,000 exact local monthly searches – and be sure that you can compete with the sites occupying the top ten results for your target keyword.
He also reveals some of his own tests he uses to determine whether a niche site he’s considering has potential. These include the “grandma test” – his way of testing the general acceptance and suitability of a niche, and the “50-Post Test”, which, he says, will give you a good idea of whether you’ll be able to come up with enough useful content for your chosen niche.
There’s an interesting technique he uses to find out how much money is being spent in a niche, by searching what he terms the “money keywords”, which can indicate how many products are being sold in your intended market. And he describes a way to jumpstart your new niche site by publishing an “all you need to know” resource guide.
As ever, Pat’s tips are essential reading for anyone looking to build a successful niche site. You can find the full article here.